Current Inventory

Listed below is Indy Air Sales’ current inventory, please contact us if you have any questions. For priority inventory updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Beechcraft Sierra - N6582R

Beechcraft Sierra - N6582R

Inexpensive retract! Beech Sierra with King digital radios and ADSB! High time engine that’s running well. Cruises at 130 knots on 10 gph with a range of nearly 600 miles! Needs some TLC, and is priced accordingly.

US$ 47,500

General Information

Total Time Since New: 3758
Engine Hours Since Major Overhaul: 2082
Propeller Time Since Overhaul: 2
Annual Inspection Due: August, 2024


  • King KMA20 Audio Panel
  • King KX165 Nav
  • King KX155 Nav
  • King KT76 Transponder
  • uAvionics Sky Beacon ADS-B Transmitter


  • Vertical Card Compass
  • Avionics Master Switch
  • Telex PC4 Intercom
  • Push to Talk Switch